发布时间:2021-06-18 10:05:31浏览次数:1467次
[1]. ZJ Wu, LF Fan, QS Liu, GW Ma, (2017) Micro-mechanical modeling of the macro-mechanical response and fracture behavior of rock using the numerical manifold method, Engineering Geology, 225, 49-60. (ESI highly cited paper, most highly cited paper since 2017)
[2]. LF Fan, ZJ Wu*, Z Wan, JW Gao, (2017) Experimental investigation of thermal effects on dynamic behavior of granite, Applied Thermal Engineering, 125, 94-103. (ESI highly cited paper)
[3]. J He, QS Liu, ZJ Wu*, (2017) Creep crack analysis of viscoelastic material by numerical manifold method, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 80, 72-86
[4]. X Zhou, L Fan, Z Wu, (2017) Effects of Microfracture on Wave Propagation through Rock Mass, International Journal of Geomechanics, 17 (9), 04017072
[5]. XH Pan, HY Sun, ZJ Wu*, Q Lü, (2017) Study of the Failure Mechanism and Progressive Failure Process of Intact Rock Patches of Rock Slope with Weak Surfaces, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 50 (4), 951-966
[6]. YJ Shen, ZJ Wu*, ZL Xiang, M, Yang, (2017) Physical test study on double-row-long-short composite anti-sliding piles, Geomechanics and Engineering, An International Journal, 13(4), 621-640.
[7]. J He, QS Liu, ZJ Wu*, XY Xu, (2017) Modelling transient heat conduction of granular materials by numerical manifold method, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 86, 45-55
[8]. QS Liu, ZC Qian, ZJ Wu*, (2017) Micro/Macro Physical and Mechanical Variation of Red Sandstone Subjected to Cyclic Heating and Cooling: An Experimental Study. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 78(3), pp. 1485-1499 (ESI highly cited paper)
[9]. QS Liu, YL Jiang, ZJ Wu*, XY Xu, Qi Liu, (2017) Investigation of the Rock Fragmentation Process by a Single TBM Cutter Using a Voronoi Element-Based Numerical Manifold Method, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 51(4), 1137-1152.