
发布时间:2021-06-18 10:08:50浏览次数:1529次

[1]. XH Pan, QQ Xiong; ZJ Wu, (2018) A new method for obtaining the homogeneity index m of Weibull distribution by linking the peak strain with the crack damage strain of the uniaxial compression test, International Journal of Geomechanics (ASCE), 18(6), 04018034.


[2]. ZJ Wu, LF Fan, and SH Zhao, (2018) Effects of hydraulic gradient, intersecting angle, aperture and fracture length on the nonlinearity of fluid flow in smooth intersecting fractures: an experimental investigation, Geofluids, 10.1155/2018/9352608.


[3]. SQ Yang, WL Tian, YH Huang, ZG Ma, LF Fan, ZJ Wu, (2018) Experimental and discrete element modeling on cracking behavior of sandstone containing a single oval flaw under uniaxial compression, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 197, 157-174


[4]. L Weng, ZJ Wu*, XB Li, (2018) Mesodamage Characteristics of Rock with a Pre-cut Opening Under Combined Static–Dynamic Loads: A Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Investigation, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00603-018-1483-4


[5]. QS Liu, YL Jiang, ZJ Wu*, J He, (2018) A Voronoi Element Based - Numerical Manifold Method (VE-NMM) for Investigating Micro/Macro-Mechanical Properties of Intact Rocks, Engineering fracture Mechanics, 19971-85.


[6]. QS Liu, YL Jiang, ZJ Wu*, ZC Qian, XY Xu, (2018) Numerical modeling of acoustic emission during rock failure process using a Voronoi element based – explicit numerical manifold method, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 79, 175-189.


[7]. J He, Q Liu, Z Wu*, Y Jiang, (2018) Geothermal-Related Thermo-Elastic Fracture Analysis by Numerical Manifold Method, Energies, 11, 19961073


[8]. ZJ Wu, LL Ma, LF Fan, (2018) Investigation of the characteristics of rock fracture process zone using coupled FEM/DEM method, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 200, 355-374


[9]. LF Fan, JW Gao, ZJ Wu, SQ Yang, GW Ma, (2018), An investigation of thermal effects on micro-properties of granite by X-ray CT technique, Applied Thermal Engineering, 140, 505-519.


[10]. L Weng, ZJ Wu*, QS Liu, (2018) Use of NMR testing technique to evaluate the damage and microcracking behaviour of granite under different levels of unconfined compression, International Journal of Geomechanics, 19 (1), 04018186


[11]. ZJ Wu, XY Xu, QS Liu, YT Yang, (2018) A zero-thickness cohesive element-based numerical Mmanifold method for rock mechanical behavior with micro-Voronoi grains, Engineering Analysis With Boundary Element Methods, 96, 94-10.


[12]. ZJ Wu, YL Jiang, QS Liu, H Mao, (2018) Investigation of the Excavation Damaged Zone around Deep TBM Tunnel using a Voronoi–Element based Explicit Numerical Manifold Method, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 112, 158-170


[13]. LF Fan, LJ Wang, ZJ Wu*, (2018) Wave transmission across linearly jointed complex formation, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 112, 193-200

[14]. 吴志军,张鹏林,刘泉声,2018)基于零厚度粘聚力单元的钢筋混凝土板在爆炸荷载下的动态破坏过程分析,工程力学,8, 012


[15]. 刘泉声,甘亮吴志军*,周原,(2018)基于零厚度粘聚力单元的水力压裂裂隙空间分布影响分析,煤炭学报,43, 393-402