
发布时间:2021-06-18 10:09:57浏览次数:1820次

[1]. Z Wu, LNY Wong, (2012) Frictional crack initiation and propagation analysis using the numerical manifold method, Computers and Geotechnics 39, 38-53 (2017 Outstanding paper award, Most cited article from 2012-2017, ESI highly cited paper)


[2]. Z Wu, LNY Wong, (2013 )Elastic–plastic cracking analysis for brittle–ductile rocks using manifold method, International Journal of Fracture 180 (1), 71-91


[3]. Z Wu, LNY Wong, (2013) Modeling cracking behavior of rock mass containing inclusions using the enriched numerical manifold method, Engineering Geology 162, 1-13


[4]. Z Wu, LNY Wong, L Fan, (2013) Dynamic study on fracture problems in viscoelastic sedimentary rocks using the numerical manifold method, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 46 (6), 1415-1427


[5]. LNY Wong, Z Wu*, (2014) Application of the numerical manifold method to model progressive failure in rock slopes, Engineering Fracture Mechanics 119, 1-20


[6]. Z Wu, L Fan, (2014) The numerical manifold method for elastic wave propagation in rock with time-dependent absorbing boundary conditions, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 46, 41-50


[7]. Z Wu, LNY Wong, (2014) Underground rockfall stability analysis using the numerical manifold method, Advances in Engineering Software 76, 69-85


[8]. Z Wu, LNY Wong, (2014) Extension of numerical manifold method for coupled fluid flow and fracturing problems, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. 38, 1990-2008


[9]. Z Wu, LNY Wong, (2014) Investigating the effects of micro-defects on the dynamic properties of rock using Numerical Manifold method, Construction and Building Materials 72, 72-82


[10]. X Liang, Z Wu*, L Wang, G Liu, Z Wang, W Zhang, (2014) Semianalytical Three-Dimensional Solutions for the Transient Response of Functionally Graded Material Rectangular Plates, Journal of Engineering Mechanics(ASCE), 141, 04015027:


[11]. ZJ Wu, X Liang, QS Liu, (2015) Numerical investigation of rock heterogeneity effect on rock dynamic strength and failure process using cohesive fracture model, Engineering Geology 197, 198-210


[12]. SC Fan, CK Lee, KW Kang, ZJ Wu*, (2015) Validation of a flight model for predicting debris trajectory from the explosion of an ammunition storage magazine, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 136, 114-126


[13]. X Liang, H Kou, G Liu, L Wang, Z Wang, Z Wu, (2015) A semi-analytical state-space approach for 3D transient analysis of functionally graded material, cylindrical shells, Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 16 (7), 525-540


[14]. YL Cai, HYb Sun, YQ Shang, ZJ Wu, (2015) A study on air accumulation in high-lift siphon hoses under the influence of air dissolution and diffusion; Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A; 16 (9), 760-768


[15]. LF Fan, ZJ Wu*, (2016) Evaluation of stress wave propagation through rock mass using a modified dominate frequency method, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 132, 53-59

[16]. 张我华,吴志军,薛新华,2006)地震荷载作用下大坝非线性响应的混沌分析,岩土工程学报,2810),1298-1303